Manufacturing details

How to make a SUTrike

Central lean and stability unit

All SUTrikes will require our patented (pending) central lean and stability unit to perform effectively. The current intention is to design and manufacture these units and sell them for use by bike manufacturers in their own SUTrikes. Prototype designs are already in testing and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss their full specification with potential customer.

Bike manufacturer prototypes

We now have designs of the central lean and stability unit for bike manufacturers to adapt in their own SUTrike designs. These units come with full access to our existing design and test data plus an option to use the units in later production Trikes. We will work closely with users to ensure all requirements are met.

Please email prototype@ this website address for more information.

Individual use frame builder

We welcome expressions of interest from individual frame builders to make their own SUTrike designs based around our central stabilising unit.

Individual frame builders may be allowed to access all of our development information but will not be permitted to advertise SUTrikes for sale.

Please email framebuild@ this website address to be notified when the first production trikes will be available.

Detail design specifications

We are currently testing a range of different central units and SUTrike designs in preparation for manufacturer designs. These tests take place in private and the results will only be released to working partners. The examples and videos shown on this site all demonstrate early or concept versions. We have not shown the latest or most significant test models.